Back in a sentence

As he walked back along the halls he thought of Ag in his bed.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

If it happened right down close in front of you, you could see Villalta snarl at the bull and curse him, and when the bull charged he swung back firmly like an oak when the wind hits it, his legs tight together, the muleta trailing and the sword following the curve behind.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

Then he cursed the bull, flopped the muleta at him, and swung back from the charge his feet firm, the muleta curving and each swing the crowd roaring.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

“Really, Watson, you excel yourself,” said Holmes, pushing back his chair and lighting a cigarette.
Arthur Conan Doyle, The Hound of Baskervilles

The horse’s entrails hung down in a blue bunch and swung backward and forward as he began to canter, the monos whacking him on the back of his legs with the rods.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

I believe you have eyes in the back of your head.
Arthur Conan Doyle, The Hound of Baskervilles

When they all stepped back on the scaffolding back of the drop, which was very heavy, built of oak and steel and swung on ball bearings, Sam Cardinella was left sitting there strapped tight, the younger of the two priests kneeling beside the chair.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

The priest skipped back onto the scaffolding just before the drop fell.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

Holmes was sitting with his back to me, and I had given him no sign of my occupation.
Arthur Conan Doyle, The Hound of Baskervilles

Before he went back to the front they went into the Duomo and prayed.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

We were frightfully put out when we heard the flank had gone, and we had to fall back.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time



— the rear part of the human body especially from the neck to the end of the spine
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— in the direction that is behind you
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73 uses of ‘back’ in The Hound of the Baskervilles, by Arthur Conan Doyle