Been able to in a sentence

As it is, I have been able to get about as I could not possibly have done had I been living in the Hall, and I remain an unknown factor in the business, ready to throw in all my weight at a critical moment.
Arthur Conan Doyle, The Hound of Baskervilles

So far I have been able to quote from the reports which I have forwarded during these early days to Sherlock Holmes.
Arthur Conan Doyle, The Hound of Baskervilles

The only other kinsman whom we have been able to trace was Rodger Baskerville, the youngest of three brothers of whom poor Sir Charles was the elder.
Arthur Conan Doyle, The Hound of Baskervilles




— If you are able to do something, you have skills or qualities which make it possible for you to do it.
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3 uses of ‘been able to’ in The Hound of the Baskervilles, by Arthur Conan Doyle