Away in a sentence

The second matador slipped and the bull caught him through the belly and he hung on to the horn with one hand and held the other tight against the place, and the bull rammed him wham against the wall and the horn came out, and he lay in the sand, and then got up like crazy drunk and tried to slug the men carrying him away and yelled for his sword but he fainted.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

Then the music started up again and he jumped up and twisted away from me and started dancing.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

Nick turned his head carefully away smiling sweatily.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

The crowd came over the barrera and around the torero and two men grabbed him and held him and some one cut off his pigtail and was waving it and a kid grabbed it and ran away with it.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time



— on the way : ALONG
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