Along in a sentence

Stretcher bearers would be along any time now.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

The old men and women, soaked through, walked along keeping the cattle moving.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

It was funny going along that road.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

He cantered jerkily along the barrera.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

As he walked back along the halls he thought of Ag in his bed.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

The carts were jammed for thirty miles along the Karagatch road.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

Greek cavalry herded along the procession.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

We went along the road all night in the dark and the adjutant kept riding up alongside my kitchen and saying, “You must put it out.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

The whole battery was drunk going along the road in the dark.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

Carts were jammed solid on the bridge with camels bobbing along through them.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

They were about the hospital, and how much she loved him and how it was impossible to get along without him and how terrible it was missing him at night.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time



— in a line matching the length or direction of
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— moving on or beside a line
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11 uses of ‘along’ in In Our Time, by Ernest Hemingway
9 uses of ‘along’ in Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen
31 uses of ‘along’ in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald
20 uses of ‘along’ in The Hound of the Baskervilles, by Arthur Conan Doyle