Against in a sentence

The second matador slipped and the bull caught him through the belly and he hung on to the horn with one hand and held the other tight against the place, and the bull rammed him wham against the wall and the horn came out, and he lay in the sand, and then got up like crazy drunk and tried to slug the men carrying him away and yelled for his sword but he fainted.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

They tried to hold him up against the wall but he sat down in a puddle of water.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

They shot the six cabinet ministers at half-past six in the morning against the wall of a hospital.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

Nick sat against the wall of the church where they had dragged him to be clear of machine gun fire in the street.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

The other five stood very quietly against the wall.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time

Rinaldi, big backed, his equipment sprawling, lay face downward against the wall.
Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time



— in opposition or hostility to
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— in opposition to someone/something
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